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New Peq15 UHP unit (laser, strobo, ir)

New Peq15 UHP unit (laser, strobo, ir)


4 Questions


This is the lates version of the unit, nylon made, having all what we need for our airsoft games and not only. 

New features are:

- green light on the back of the unit to let u know the unit is on

- all buttons work to adjust the lasers and have a new click system when turning

- strobo light

- ultra high power 200lumens (marked on the central button)

- aluminium buttons and flashlight 



- red visible laser

- infrared laser

- light (strobo, momentary, continuous)

- mixtures of the above


In the box you have:

- user manual

- remote pressure switch with velcro

- rubber tap for the remote connection 

- screwdriver to adjust laser


Price posted and PayPal is £38/unit.


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Actually not that many do, given the damage that green lasers can do to your eyes, & if I came across a site that explicitly states it has no problem with their use, not only would they not get my patronage, I'd be pretty vocal letting others know the risks. 


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