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TM 1911 Series 70

TM 1911 Series 70


  • Price £95
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Owned for many years but not for any good reason tbh, I think I only bought this because it was the hot new hype for a short while when it came out; doesn't fit my personal tastes/desires.  Carried it in exactly one indoor game iirc, not sure I ever shot it.  Maybe has 1 mag of bbs through it?  Possibly not even that many.


Only thing that's been done is the grips have been replaced for real wood grips.  So it's lighter now but obviously fitting a mag makes up for that and while they're not expensive walnut by any stretch the feeling compared to plastic grips is massively superior.


Price does not include the magazine, but if someone wants to pay FF and take the risk of it being classed as a 'gas pressure vessel' by PF I'll disassemble this old (but perfectly serviceable) 1911A1 mag and sent it with.


VCRA defence WILL be checked.  Please don't waste my time messaging if you don't have a defence.


Price is includes fees and postage  To see all my other sale items check this album - https://flic.kr/s/aHsjPXJkHw


  • Make
    Tokyo Marui
  • Model
    1911 S70
  • FPS
  • Accessories

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