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Tokyo Marui NGRS L119A2

Tokyo Marui NGRS L119A2


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Tokyo Marui NGRS L119a2 build

- Full shebang upgrade from Camo raids, the gun has just been back from a service


- Colt L119a2 NGRS lower receiver 


- Angry gun L119a2 rail and surefire flash hider 


- pts pistol grip

- genuine magpul trigger guard 

- genuine magpul ctr stock with extended buttpad to fit stick batteries 

- genuine magpul QD rear sling plate 

- 6 pts epm mags 

- legit magpul afg-2 that came of a proper L119a2 

- some of the original parts

- gate titan cables and usb link 

- 4 vapex 7.4v lipos 

- 1 hard gun case(not the Nuprol case pictured another hard case)


The only thing wrong is that the charging handle had a pin fall out and the latch that sits in the charging handle fell out however does not affect anything functionally.


More mags and batteries are available but will be at an extra cost 


It’s a brilliant gun getting 80m range, can easily hop 0.40g bbs, it’s currently set to semi only but can be changed. 


A lot of money has gone into this build as you can imagine. 


£1250 collected. any  questions please ask.


  • Make
    Tokyo marui
  • Model
  • FPS
    1.13 joules

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Dude, where’s your Christmas spirit? At least include a functional charging handle, correct mag release, correct ergo 2 grip, mod the buffer tube and buy a cc style lock ring from LCS for that sort of money.
You could even get a dummy ambi selector and the other bits printed to make this a complete build. Just saying. 



Thank you for your response however it would be appreciated if you didn’t comment and kept it to yourself if you didn’t have any positive input or do not like the price furthermore personally i dont see how chritmas spirit comes into my post. Everything on the Rif is functional and has had a lot of money gone into the build to the point if i sell it for anything less im am losing a lot of money if you do not like the price please keep it to yourself and leave me to try and sell my Rif. 

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I am entitled to my opinion but thanks for yours. But at the end of the day it’s just an m4 with a funky rail innit. 

Welcome to Macks. 



I never said you wasn’t entitled to your opinion all i asked is if it wasn't any positive input please do not comment on my post and leave me to try and sell my Rif. In the most respectful way possible It doesn’t matter what I'm trying to sell if you don't like it or the price please don’t comment and just move on with your day.

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@Alfie6, your right, @SBoardley shouldn't make detrimental posts on your thread, but he does have the option to add your thread to "Macks" where everyone can discuss, & if necessary, rip the shit out of your thread.


Your very expensive build is missing components that would usually be included, while those parts may not have a big impact on its functionality, your failure to mention them in your thread is moody as fuck at best, & most members would take issue over it if they spunked their hard earned & then received what the felt was an incomplete rifle. 

Best thing you can do is update your sales thread, list the missing parts & maybe why they're missing, & any effect they may have on its use. 

At that price, buyers deserve to know what they're getting ? 🤔



Thank you for your fair response. The thread has been updated so everything is made clear. 

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