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Farsan/APS double barrel shotgun

Farsan/APS double barrel shotgun


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Up for sale is my double barrel shotgun. It has been converted to use aps mk1 and mk3 shells instead of the awful shells that they come with. The conversion is from blobworks on shapeways the firing pins and extractor have been printed in steel and the internal barrel sleeves are in plastic. I've sanded, chipped and weathered the wood to give it a more rugged aged look and a lick of dark walnut stain. I had some big plans for this gun but just never got round to it such as a brass buttplate, ageing the metal and so on. This has never been fielded or fired with aps shells since the conversion so its pretty much new other than aesthetically


£350 + postage or collected

Thanks for looking!





  • Make
  • Model
    Double barrel full length
  • FPS
    Dependant on shells

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