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RS Magpul Mid-Length MLOK Handguards

RS Magpul Mid-Length MLOK Handguards


  • Price £10
1 Offer
1 Question


Requires a mid-length faux AR gas system to fit; not common so if you're unsure feel free to ask me.  These are about 10.5" long to give a rough idea, so you'll want around 9" between delta ring and gas block/front sight given that these handguards wrap around those.  Stamped alu heat shield was carefully removed by drilling out the rivets that held it, so there's room in here for a lipo with a front wired gun.


I think I used these in a game one time maybe, but it's hard to tell as they barely look like they've seen any use at all.


Price is all in, always open to offers.


Everything I have for sale is viewable here - jh698534c


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