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Boneyard VFC G17 Gen 3

Boneyard VFC G17 Gen 3


1 Question


First thing's first - I ALWAYS avidly check VCRA defences, don't try me.


Dunno how long I've had this thing, but it pretty much barely functioned upon arrival, never been skirmished.  I was going to chop it up and bin it but that seemed a waste when someone could use it for spares at least.  Though I have no idea if the internals (or indeed externals) are compatible with the current VFC licensed glocks as this was released years before those.


Missing both iron sights and the hop bucking, but the trigger mech all works and with a new bucking it will actually function: cycle and feed bbs.  However the performance is so pathetic you absolutely should not buy this to actually attempt to use it in game, it's really really bad.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  Trades are at least nice and realistic.


Price doesn't include P&P.


  • Make
  • Model
    Glock 17
  • FPS
  • Accessories

London - United Kingdom

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