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ghk 553


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3 Questions


Don't really want sell but due to a bad knee and new born baby. i think its time to move on. seen very little use from me.


with steel internals i was hoping of obtaining a hpa mag. Really has good potential for a solid build smg .  burst  mode is my favourite. 


easy to switch to single shot only via visa.

for anyone who want build a dmr or get extra fps in game play.


comes with 6 mags in total. cheek riser. fore grip. upgrade maple leaf hopup unit brand new not installed yet 


will be interested in swap with mws packages. want do a john wick build for a wall hanger collection pieces.     


any question feel free to ask 


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
    400+ on black gas
  • Accessories
    6 mags . upgraded hop unit. fore grip. dmr cheek riser

Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire - United Kingdom

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This is a beauty, if I thought you would swap it for a TM MK18 NGRS with Vortex Razor UH-1 ...I'd go for it 😃 But I somehow doubt you would go for an AEG, nice. good luck.



love the close to realism of Gbbs. aeg dont interest me but thank you for your comment. 

here's loadout i had but was missing a hpa mag to make this perfect. or maybe a longer inner barrel with mock suppressor .  sadly i have see this go :(

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Interested in splitting off 3 of the magazines? I figure that'll bring the price down a bit for another purchaser, might make it a bit easier to shift the gun if it hasn't sold yet.

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