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Tripwire Landmine- price drop 2

Tripwire Landmine- price drop 2


  • Price £30
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so here we have a custom sort of tripwire landmine thing.


functionally it's a simple tube with a fixed firing pin (think mini mortar), it uses a moscart (included is a madbull xm-204hp which is heavy enough to fire reliably) and the angled deflector can be twisted for your desired direction of bb spread.


it's had a few modifications to make tripping a bit more sensitive, and it's using a pair of key-chain lanyards as a tripwire (nice and quick to deploy), they're mounted with p-clips which should come undone rather than uprooting the mine or tripping over the poor sod who's caught it.


the deflector can be rotated to hold down the firing lever to prevent you falling victim while setting up.

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