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Send a Rif from UK to Italy

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Hi guys,


In italy it's legal to buy, sell, shipping, trade, RIF, no limitation!


Is it possible, and legal, to send a RIF from the UK to Italy like a parcel? using mail services like royal mail of private courier? do I need any document or similar stuff?


I'm asking because me and my team are gonna go for holidays to Italy and will play airsoft in a huge tournament that some italian teams are doing during those days and we would like to send our RIF to our friends so we don't need to board them on the plane.



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Completely Legal, just check that the carrier allows transportation of RIF's - if anything happens to them they can turn around and say you weren't actually allowed to ship it in the first place.

It'll be getting them back into the country that'll be the tricky part.


great. does royal mail allow to send rif??

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great. does royal mail allow to send rif??


I've read a few bad stories about people sending item to Italy like things taking 2/3 months to get there,not turning up at all and fhese are from retailers not everyday people just a word of warning. You may get no hassle at all, good luck

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I've read a few bad stories about people sending item to Italy like things taking 2/3 months to get there,not turning up at all and fhese are from retailers not everyday people just a word of warning. You may get no hassle at all, good luck


Great. thank you guys, the best as usual ;)

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best to take it on the flight as hold luggage. You might lose it forever in Italy's postal system.


seriously? can I board RIF? I mean, could I have problem with the police and counter terrorism rules?

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seriously? can I board RIF? I mean, could I have problem with the police and counter terrorism rules?

Not really. As long as you forewarn the airline and they agree to carry it, there won't be a problem. If your gear is expensive, I'd also advise filling-in a form (I forget the name of it) at customs which will allow you to bring it back into the country without being spanked for tax/duties.

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'provided you clear it with the airline'

No airline is ever going to allow you onto a plane with a RIF in handluggage.

You know it isn't a gun, the airline know it isn't a gun but other passengers don't and teh airline doesn't know you aren't going to attempt to take hold of the plane with it.


Airlines do screen suitcases as well, which is why you ask permission for them. If they just saw a rifle inside a suitcase, they'd pull you off the plane for terrorism/smuggling/armsdealing reasons.

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Yes, it is definitely something that needs arrangement before hand, ensuring that you double/triple check it at the airport when you hand over your bags. Don't just turn up without contacting them and then expect everything to be fine and dandy even though there is a firearm in your suitcase..

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Yes, it is definitely something that needs arrangement before hand, ensuring that you double/triple check it at the airport when you hand over your bags. Don't just turn up without contacting them and then expect everything to be fine and dandy even though there is a firearm in your suitcase..


mmmm i think the easiest way is sending via courier or post office =S

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