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G&G GR16 HELP!!!!

Spec ops
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i have a G&G GR16 blowback

and recently the wires connecting to the battery heat up alot when im shooting

i keep thinking they are going to melt because they are so hot

and i use the same battery for my other aegs, it only happens on this one

does anyone know whats wrong with it and how would i fix it?


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Shouldn't solve the problem though


Maybe your motor is too high...

Have you ever taken it apart?

i have 3 different motors and it happens on all of them

and yes i have taken it apart before, i have a funny feeling that it could be short circuted somewhere in the gun

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The problem could be electrical or mechanical. A loose wire, cold solder joint etc. would cause excessive electrical resistance. Or tight shimming, degradation of lubricant etc. could be causing mechanical resistance.


First thing I would do is rule out an electrical problem with a multimeter. If the battery, fuse, wiring and motor are good then you have a mechanical problem. Make sure the gears mesh well without excessive resistance and have an even, thin coating of lubricant. Also make sure that the piston can slide freely in the guide rails, and that the piston head isn't too tight in the cylinder.


There are more possibilities, but if there's an obvious problem then the above should help diagnose it.

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