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Cybergun/KWC Spring Uzi

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Hi again, this time i would like some feedback on the Cybergun/KWC Spring Uzi. I know it's a springer, but you know what, i like springers. It's 192 fps with .12g bb's, it includes the gun (obviously!), to high cap magazines and a speedloader. It's around £30, and i found it on bbgunsuk.co.uk. Some feedback needed please!

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or for the same price get an electric one? but to be far mate, £30 for a springer is a bit too much... in my opinion save your money. and get a decent AEG.


Honestly, save a bit of cash and get a £80-90 AEG. You'd be glad you did when you get one.

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  • 9 months later...

Honestly, save a bit of cash and get a £80-90 AEG. You'd be glad you did when you get one.


Or get a L96, G22 or the likes bolt-action replica for about £70-80 - that's a good choice... in my opinion, better then the above suggested AEGs. Of course, that's only good if you want to be a sniper (rough...) or sharpshooter (better).

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  • 1 year later...

Dude, it's cheap, buy it.

I like cheap guns, if its a copy of a gun you like get it, as a object of desire it will be a nice addition to your collection.

I'm getting a blue/black spring AK47 for 25 quid soon.

I just want an AK to gunbutt my flatmates with...

cheap crap rules!

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