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Mock Knife

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For the last 2 months me and one of my mate's have being using mock knives and i whould like to know every ones opinion in the matter


thanks tray

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Places I go to you can just tap them on the shoulder and go "knife kill"


Was at UCAP the other Wednesday. There were 3 of us positioned in one of the many tunnels and one sneaky young man ran up behind all three of us and knife killed us.


I wondered if he won a cash for doing something so sneaky. It was a relief not to be shot in the buttocks again.

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Yeah, I think its a great idea. Using props makes it more fun to watch.

I've used one, but it was in a 'plinking' game.

It got some laughs, as I used a banana as my 'knife'. Handy, as after I'd just brutally slit my opponent's throat, I ate my weapon, destroying the evidence! :lol:

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  • 3 months later...
  Lost Paradise said:
Where can you get a mock knife from? I would quite like to get a decent looking one for my tac vest


well theres two opions theres go to you local joke store and get one of those cheap plastic one

like this



or you could order one online there more expencive but you can get different types i.e. byonets



hope this helps

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I think cheap plastic ones are out of the question TBH


Becuase they still have the protentual to hurt someone if you get to carried away


I think the only ones you can use its the rubber ones





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I actually got 2 prop knives made for me for a film from a company based the the US called synapse fx .it ended up coasting 140$ including shipping so bloddy expensive! However unless you touch it there is no way you could tell it wasn't metal.one option that you might want to go down is on amazon,they sell knives for practicing self defence knife training and they are made out of rubber ,only cost about ten quid,and look the part too!worth checking out ifoutou ask me!




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  • 4 weeks later...

Strewth. Knives now.


Why not just have a fist-fight like in the playground. :rolleyes:


Get real pretending to be something you are not.


It’s a Game.


Carry on like that and you will be injuring each other.

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  Ettienne said:
Carry on like that and you will be injuring each other.


With rubber Knives?? :rolleyes:


You make it sound like the lot of use sould be locked up in a padded room XD lol

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  Jersey Tactical Airsoft said:
With rubber Knives?? :rolleyes:


You make it sound like the lot of use sould be locked up in a padded room XD lol


Your quote you dummy :rolleyes: :


I think cheap plastic ones are out of the question TBH


Becuase they still have the protentual to hurt someone if you get to carried away


I think the only ones you can use its the rubber ones







Maybe you are typing this from a padded room in your imaganation???


And you mean... us not use.... :rolleyes::rolleyes:


And speak for yourself....


Some git might just take a real one into a game and then your stuffed......

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Nah rubber one carnt hurt poeple they use them for all sorts of renactments


Well if the marshels any good they will be checking this kind of stuff

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nah the marshals just end up stabing each other to test it :lol:

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  Kellis said:
If knives are allowed and RPG's now.


If you run out of ammo, are you allowed to boot someone in the nuts? :lol:


hope so

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use a rubber knife occasionally, but the trouble is carrying it.


Does anyone know a good place/site to buy a thigh holster or frog for (mock) knives?

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i got knife killed once in a CQB game... i was quite impressed!


dont carry a knife myself though.. i like charging around being all crazy git too much to sneak :P

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I love the idea as i could be quite sneaky (for an oldie) so im going to start using one soon, a chap in my old team used to use one. :):)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Matt! said:
haha that guy just didn't know what to do :P


when somone runs at you with a battle axe there is not much you can do

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