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KJW M700P mags.

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Does anyone know, or can help me find out, where in all of hell sells mags for this gun!?


I was just about to order it but I can't find anywhere that sells mags in the UK and I don't want to have to pay added VAT and all that balls if I import...


Anyone help me out?


I've managed to find Tanaka M700 magazines.




Price seems a bit steep though... Does anyone know if they'll fit?

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Hate to double post but I need someone to look at this, so a bump was required.


I just found these on Firesupport, I'd somehow forgotten about them, poor FS.


But yah, will these fit? I'm not 100% sure they're for the same gun:


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Thank the Lordy lord, cheers Dave. They're a good £12 cheaper than Tanaka mags.


You might be seeing this at Patrol Base at some point in the future, seems there's a lot needs doing to it.


Would PB be able to custom fit a barrel, like, cut the hop and fitting grooves in one not meant for this specific gun?

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Ok thanks.

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Cheers, that's good to know.


I'd rather buy one that'd just fit, but I don't know exactly what to look for or what'll fit.


I'm after a 6.03mm for it but I don't know the length or brand that I need.

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