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update on pmg

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for those interested


- Added M249 and Mk. 46

- Added Daniel Defense Block 2 M4 RIS

- Added Elcan Scopes

- Added Eotech XPS3

- Added AN-PEQ 15

- Improved a few old parts



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they basically put all the parts i needed to complete my custom aeg (coming end of next year) apart from the 12.5 ris 2 daniel defence but any way here's the new design


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Which ris is that


modded ris block II with front sight post cover with another dd rail

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already noticed that myself marcus, its really nice to see them adding lots of things, and now every one knows, people can try and see what the guns they want'll look like with specific accessories :)

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the hand guard will be od along with the vert grip and stock their will be one rail ontop so i can mount my tdi 5 position light mount and torch on and the silencer is gonna be a tracer and the bayonet will only be mounted with the silencer off and a basic flashhider to protect the threads and its gonna be wired to the front so i can use the stock to house extra batteries ill also be using the ready mag system on the receiver and an extra two mags in the rifle cheek rests you get all p mags with the p mag magpuls on them

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