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Homemade Airsoft Land Mine/Trip Wire

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okay came acrross this video and it looks good to me,


do you guys think it'll work?




PS - Please ignore the kid and focus on the video

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it does have a good basic design but it would be a bit obvious, a big tube sticking out. also the pin needs to work better and you would have to ancor the mine in something.

but it looks more reliable then the ones with the trampoline mechanism

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Wouldn't be very obvious in woodland at this time of year, it's pretty overgrown, just hide it in some ferns at the side of a popular path. Use fishing line instead of white string so it doesn't stand out. You could tie it to a tree to save it having to be stuck in the ground to hold it there.

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yea the only main issue would be the pin, its quite long so it would have to be removed quickly or it would either miss fire or fire too late.

and yea its home made but not as bad as making your own smoke

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okay thats cool, where you guys based?

aslo you fired your prototype?


I would consider a smaller length tube so the spring at full extension is about 1 or 2 inches below the turn

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that looks good especially as a trip wire device,


also how are you going to release it if its tied to a tree then it won't fire as lever thing won't go up?

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