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Replica ACOG Sight Possibly Crooked

Ben Savage

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Hi, I've had a Theta Optics 4x32 ACOG, and before taking a break from airsoft for around a year it was working fine. Since returning, I have put the ACOG back on various RIFs and it seems to be off-centered, given how it was stored it could have had a couple of knocks.


The reticle appears slightly to the left of the centerline of the rifle, even after properly zeroing it. I've tried mounting it on different rails, ensuring it's tightened down correctly, and even adjusting my eye position, but the issue persists. It us usable but gives an awkward feel whilst finding targets.







Has anyone else experienced this with a replica ACOG? Could this be due to an internal issue with the optic (such as the prism being crooked?), or is there something else I should check?


Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

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It definitely looks pissed, but from those pics, so does your front sight.


It's possible that taking a few hard knocks may have shifted the glass. Is that as far across as the adjustment will let it go?

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The front sight looks fine without the ACOG on, so it makes me think that it is due to the glass of the ACOG making it look off.


The adjustment will allow it to go completely central, but that is far from where any of the guns I've put it on are shooting, so I'm thinking that if when it is zeroed it appears to be way off, then either of the following are happening:

  • Rifle shooting crooked - ruled this one out as it is off by the same amount on each gun
  • ACOG mount crooked - I think this is unlikely as the mount and scope appear to be aiming true compared to the gun, only the reticle is off
  • Lens is damaged in some way
  • Internal prism is damaged in some way

I think it is likely to be one of the last two, most likely the prism being the issue, but I don't know if it would be fixable.

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I'm not sure that a cheap Chinese knockoff ACOG even has a prism (happy to be proven wrong).

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