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Well pro sas ii ultralight, bul armory

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That video is less than reassuring as well. When a pre-fitted dot sight isn't already zeroed in and needs a bit of plastic to be inserted to finish the job, what else isn't right with the pistol?



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When designing it did they ask a drunk person to draw a Hi Cappa?


Why is he calling nuprol gas abbey gas?

Edited by Cannonfodder
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It's a fairly close replica of a real double-stack 1911 that's gotten somewhat popular in the US thanks to various TFBTV videos, but I'd probably wager that specific airsoft version will have cheese internals and blowpipe spit ball range. Be alright for a non-skirmisher/safe queen if someone purely collects. Naturally now someone will drop in and say they have one that shoots lights out, but for £100 with all that metal you'll always roll the dice on a lemon, even if some examples are half decent. Doesn't make much sense as a skirmish purchase when the TM 4.3 exists though imho.

Bul Armory SAS II UL COMP Black - b2bjammas

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