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New Tokyo Marui Tactical Master


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I'm a lucky boy and now unexpectedly have in my collection a brand new Tokyo Marui Tactical Master. I'm really not sure what to do with, but to make sure all is OK I put gas in the mag (no leaks) and dry fired it a few times, and thinking I'll keep it I took the tag off of it (doh!).


If I did sell it here any ideas what I should be asking for it?



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If this were the latest version I'd say around £110 (Paypal fees and postage included), but I don't think this one has the 15mm BBU, does it? So you'd be relying on someone who specifically wants this design (hogue style grips etc). Either way, not more than that but you can of course list for whatever and reduce as you see fit if it's not selling.

Edited by Cr0-Magnon
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Thanks, and as far as I'm aware it's the older fixed hop version.


I really like it, but I'd never use it as I've multiple AAP-01's for different situations.

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The issue is the fixed hop. People really care about something that can hop different weights and see it as a big detriment and only has potential as a wall hanger. 


I would say £80 might sway some people. 

Edited by Asomodai
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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