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Another Newbie


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Hello all!


I'm Moose, have read and lurked for a little while before joining. I'm totally new to airsofting, but have had a passing interest in guns for a long time as my dad used to do competition shooting and had a number of guns before the laws changed.


Have bought a GHK SIG 553 to get started with but looking to get (many) more.


Got my first airsoft match booked for Saturday, nighttime CQB at Combat Airsoft in Norfolk. Then hopefully going to RIFT in Abingdon on Sunday for the fancy dress Halloween game, dressed in a suitably naff seagull onesie. 😂

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2 hours ago, DanBow said:

Hi Moose, welcome to the site. I hope you realise that we will need photographic proof of you dressed in the naff seagull onesie? 😂


Hi Dan, yes as soon as i have it there'll be deeply embarassing pictures of me as a tactical seagull!

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2 hours ago, Anonymoose said:


Hi Dan, yes as soon as i have it there'll be deeply embarassing pictures of me as a tactical seagull!

Hi and welcome

Nice purchase on your first RIF by the way!!

I’ve had many a replica slide through my hands, but my ghk SG553 is by far my favourite!

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1 hour ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

Hi and welcome

Nice purchase on your first RIF by the way!!

I’ve had many a replica slide through my hands, but my ghk SG553 is by far my favourite!


Thank you, Enid.


I have to say, the more i handle the 553 the more i like it. I'm waiting on some more bits for it to arrive then i'll get some pics.


Quite tempted to get a 551 too, maybe convert it to a 550 sniper. 🤔



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8 hours ago, Anonymoose said:


Thank you, Enid.


I'm waiting on some more bits for it to arrive then i'll get some pics.





What have you ordered for it 😃

Mine has undergone a bit of work and “upsets” the purists 👌

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11 hours ago, Enid_Puceflange said:


What have you ordered for it 😃

Mine has undergone a bit of work and “upsets” the purists 👌


Knock-off Surefire light

Vector Optics 4x sight

Vector Optics red dot sight

Mini red laser

Maple Leaf hop-up kit

Wo Sport tracer/flash hider (flash maker)


This is how it currently looks, just waiting on the laser and new flash hider.





Acetech Bifrost R looks good and is great for muzzle flash but is a lousy tracer. The Wo Sport silencer/tracer is great though. Hopefully the new Wo Sport will be the best of both.




The laser sight will sit on the front of the top rail. I've removed the front iron sight for it.


Used some 45° brackets and a 9-slot rail to make the mount for the red dot. I have another bracket coming, if it's better i'll use it instead. This just clears the charging handle.





These Vector Optics sights are really nice, and not too expensive either.


The only other thing i've done is cut the joining tabs off the magazines.


Got any pics of your 553?


12 hours ago, Galvatron said:



Thank you, Galvatron.

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Yeah, my 553 started off looking just like yours

The only internal upgrade I have done is fitted an npas to adjust velocity

I’m actually happy with my accuracy from the standard hop & barrel


Fitted the cheek rest and changed the front end




Then changed the stock





then got a RS Magpul AK MOE grip which took a bit of cutting to fit

So this is how it sits now



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On 30/10/2024 at 09:33, Enid_Puceflange said:

Yeah, my 553 started off looking just like yours

The only internal upgrade I have done is fitted an npas to adjust velocity

I’m actually happy with my accuracy from the standard hop & barrel


Fitted the cheek rest and changed the front end




Then changed the stock





then got a RS Magpul AK MOE grip which took a bit of cutting to fit

So this is how it sits now





I suppose i'm a purist in the sense that i really like the standard 553 stock and grips. 😂


I only bought the hop-up on the basis of it being an available upgrade. I have no idea how to fit/adjust it yet.


All that matters is that you like it and it works for you. I'm a bit boring in how i like my guns.


A laser has arrived:





I have two more on the way but this one might stay, it's just the perfect size. Clears the light mounting and below the sight lens. This might be this gun finished on the outside.👌🏻


Edited by Anonymoose
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Nowt wrong with appreciating the classic look, that’s what initially drew me to the 553. But just like the modern looking Ak variants, I just wanted to “Agg” mine up a bit, still got everything to return to standard when the itch arrives .

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On 29/10/2024 at 05:58, DanBow said:

Hi I hope you realise that we will need photographic proof of you dressed in the naff seagull onesie? 😂


As promised:



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