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Toxicant XM5 (Sig SPEAR)


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16 minutes ago, rj1986 said:

Beat me to it.

Comes with 3 spare mages (4 in total) which makes it a bit less expensive. But still a lot of money no matter what way you cut it

ah yeah looks like you're right, but also seems they don't include the stock or buffer tube. Still want one though

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2 minutes ago, GiantKiwi said:

£1600+...they must be high.

Yup.. but some will still buy it. (know I would if money was no object)

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On 04/09/2024 at 16:04, ButcherBill said:

Yup.. but some will still buy it. (know I would if money was no object)


Case in point, anyone buying anything PTW or HAO.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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