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Should I make the change???


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I have run the Valken mk 3 for a year now. (longest barrel)




I have enjoyed it but its just getting a bit heavy for me and I am fancying something very different.

I play woodland sites.

I get very good range with my valken as I use .20s and over do the hop up.


I now want the ARP 9.


Would I get the same range?

Would it be usable it woodland?


I would be running 7.4 lipos in it as that is what I used in my valken and I would be using an acog scope.


Should I make the change?



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I see plenty of players using the arp9 in woodland games. It's a nasty little beast with a hi rof.

You may have to get a little bit closer to the bad guys but it will do the job and less tiring than a bigger gun. Also will be a dream to use in a cqb enviro. 👍


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1 minute ago, Wegalaxy said:


I appreciate this @Shamal.

Do you think the 7.4 lipos will give it around 330 fps?


The battery voltage won't do anything for the FPS. A higher voltage battery will increase the rate of fire. 

FPS is dependant on air seal and spring. 

From talking to guys at games it comes at around 330 fps and some people use an 11.1v to get the high rof but I'm not sure what voltage battery is recommended. Maybe run it on 9.6v NiMH to be safe.

I'm sure someone will confirm if 11.1v lipo is good or not.

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