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Hi all, recently ran into some problems with my APFG Spear so I thought id let everyone know so it doesn't unfortunately happen to you lot!

It's been running perfectly and still is however there are two screws holding in the hammer connecting level and one has stripped out of its thread.

This has happened on both mine and my mates spear so it looks like a manufacturing issues as the screws look way to short to get a proper grip. Factory both mine and his came Loctited but eventually stripped. I would recommend either using glue or some other method of ensuring the screw stays in as it looks like this will happen on MOST spears. At the minute I'm unsure if this happens on the rattlers but looks likely.  Currently I am trying different screw lengths to see which will work the best and I may need to drill and tap the hole to a bigger thread if none of the original thread is usable/left. Below is a picture of the screw that has come out, a good way to tell if this has happened to your is that the upper and lower may be difficult to join together again.

I will update if I find a solution,

I have created this as a topic so if anyone else has issues and remedies they can attach it here, remember we all can help each other out!

APFG Original Parts - Rattler GBB Hammer Connecting Level ( 01-06 )


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I ordered M3 screws that were 8mm thinking they would be long enough but where too long so I cut them down slightly, they sit in a bit more providing more depth. Looking at the original screw the thread is demolished which is odd from factory. The picture left is the old one, the right is the new one. 
I’m going to replace both then test for a game day see if the thread gets destroyed on the new ones as well 


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Yeah I love the gun so much! and with the growing popularity of them I thought I should document what I did as there's Definity things I wish I knew coming into the system for the first time! 


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Okay did a lot of testing and the hop is very inconsistent. The fps is still extremely consistent but the hop is everywhere, the more I shoot it I see slight improvements, so I am going to try and rinse as many rounds as possible then come up with a verdict. 

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I have just had my APFG Rattler delivered today and I am over the moon with the thing! Build quality is insane and it is rock solid, I spent some time cleaning all the icky factory grease out of it and using some gun salve to re-lube it. A massive thanks to @WilloJayfor making me some extended screws for the hammer connector, I made sure to loctite them before testing.


After all that prep I chronoed it and holy sh*te does this thing kick, and fling bb's at some insane speeds. Stock with abbey red gas and the suppressor installed I was getting 370fps on .32's😵 I haven't fiddled with the NPAS at all to bring it down but I'll list the out of the box findings below:


 - STOCK w Suppressor and Abbey Red Gas - 370
 - STOCK w/o Suppressor and Abbey Red Gas - 305
 - STOCK w Suppressor and Abbey Green Gas - 320
 - STOCK w/o Suppressor and Abbey Green Gas - 270


All the test's I've run were with .32's and it was very under-hopped, so I will see if I can get a consistent hop with a good fps in a mo. I was using a standard VFC gen 3 mag that came with the gun for each test, I do have some VFC Gen 3 V-Mag's that I'm going to test to see if it has any impact on performance. I doubt it but its worth a test 🤷‍♂️ 




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  • WilloJay changed the title to APFG MCX ISSUES / REMEDIES

the HRC discord has a channel for the APFG MCX (and MPX) which has a lot of good info and you can always write asking for more specific help. im in the middle of writing a full guide on the MCX there to compliment my MPX one

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Yeah I’ve been coordinating with the guys and gals there to come up with a solution 

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Okay all a little update. 

The screws manages to do it again, so I superglued them both in, it is a permanent solution I know but it works well so far. I'm using the bow master NPAS for VFC M4'S and have managed to get the fps variation between shots extremely low so I recommend that NPAS wholeheartedly. As for hop and bucking wise I haven't tested further but it definitely is an issues with the hop rubber, barrel, mock gas block(hop adjuster), nub or hop arm. This is due to the good fps consistently it has to be something with the hop. I have a unicorn 6.03 barrel and unicorn 60 on the way from honk Kong. Lots of other people on the Heavy Recoil Club discord have had luck with this so I will try it then update the thread.

I hope the update finds you well


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Having a new issue with my old APFG MCX (the black one not the LT), it locks back on every shot regardless if it's at the last round, even my drum mag that straight up has no bolt lock tab it's causing the gun to lock back. Can't think of anything except to stretch the spring (or switch out to a stronger one) in the lower that applies pressure on the bolt catch... 😕 wonder if it's just the heat causing the recoil to bounce everything up while it's cycling. 

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Yeah from what I've read about on other forums and discord groups usually you have to stretch the bolt stop spring to prevent it from preemptively catching the bolt

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Okay dokey everyone, through testing I can say the best combination I’ve tested so far for the spear was a crazy jet 200mm, flamingo 60 and the stock arm. I was using 0.40’s and was getting good ranges. However near the end of the day my hop started to play up. I believe it’s just my barrel getting dirty but I am still going to try a unicorn barrel, 60 bucking and an omega nub.

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Okay all great news,

I have done it… the mcx now has crazy good consistency and the bb trajectory is perfect each time.

ive done this by putting a unicorn barrel, bucking, omega nub and winter springs in. The stock springs are way too strong and especially for English weather. The stock springs end up pushing the bb with too much force that it gets placed unevenly in the hop rubber leading to inconsistent hop. The winter springs solves this and make the gun overall nicer to manipulate.

the winning combination is:


200mm 6.03 unicorn gbb barrel

60 degree unicorn gbb bucking 

GSI hop arm

maple leaf omega nub

bow master vfc npas 

Jwi hop unit 

winter springs 


the winter springs are the one from the airsoft chay video and are a following:

Length: 300mm
Wire Diameter: 0.6mm
Outer Diameter: 8mm


The people over in the heavy recoil club discord server have been incredibly useful so a massive thank you to them. 



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  • 5 months later...
On 08/07/2024 at 22:53, WilloJay said:

Okay all great news,

I have done it… the mcx now has crazy good consistency and the bb trajectory is perfect each time.

ive done this by putting a unicorn barrel, bucking, omega nub and winter springs in. The stock springs are way too strong and especially for English weather. The stock springs end up pushing the bb with too much force that it gets placed unevenly in the hop rubber leading to inconsistent hop. The winter springs solves this and make the gun overall nicer to manipulate.

the winning combination is:


200mm 6.03 unicorn gbb barrel

60 degree unicorn gbb bucking 

GSI hop arm

maple leaf omega nub

bow master vfc npas 

Jwi hop unit 

winter springs 


the winter springs are the one from the airsoft chay video and are a following:

Length: 300mm
Wire Diameter: 0.6mm
Outer Diameter: 8mm


The people over in the heavy recoil club discord server have been incredibly useful so a massive thank you to them. 




Just got one, thanks for the research and info. I'm not on discord so any other tips n tricks are welcome 


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi there! Sorry for the delayed reply but I’ve been using the same combination ever since that post and it hasn’t skipped a beat! 

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