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NGRS loose bolt catch tension upgrades?


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Love my NGRS M4 CQBR, but I find the bolt catch to be a bit of a weak point. It’s just too loose, and has no positive feedback when you engage it. It sometimes even depresses without me realising it after a mag change after brushing my gear. 

So any way to give it some tension here to make it feel a bit more functional and realistic? 


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What precisely do you mean by loose?  On all of mine they just sit there in place until actuated by an empty mag.


All of the force that pushes the paddle outwards comes from the magazine spring after being transferred through multiple other components, so there's quite a bit of lost energy in the system.  The force required to press on the paddle upon completion of a reload is less than any GBBR of course, but (at least from what I've always been told) a good bit more than on any PTW or equivalent.


I don't think you'd ever get near the 'feel' of a GBB bolt release by sheer nature of the system, but to increase the force required to depress the paddle you'd either need some monster of a magazine spring (which I think would be detrimental to the gun in other respects) or another spring added in to the system.  Either directly behind the paddle or acting on one of the other parts, but you'd have to counter that force by also increasing the strength of whatever holds the paddle in the standard vertical position for firing, otherwise it'd just stick out all of the time.

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if you want less rattle glue a small spring under the bolt catch, it'll still work but without any issues as TheFull9 mentions.

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1 hour ago, TheFull9 said:

What precisely do you mean by loose?  On all of mine they just sit there in place until actuated by an empty mag.



Meaning it takes almost no effort to depress the catch after mag empty, and sometimes just goes by itself from a light brush on my gear or clothing. I know it’s not GBB, but I expected a bit more than that. I’m tempted just to disengage the whole system because of how useless it feels, unless I can add some resistance to it. 

Edited by Armo1000
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As I say, all you're pressing back against is the mag spring and it's when the mag spring is under basically no compression/tension since the mag is empty; which is how it has to work for that whole system to work.  At least in the design as it stands, not sure if there's any sort of NGRS 2 on the horizon (probably not any time soon, I wouldn't think).


I'm not sure how you seem to be routinely shooting-to-empty then walking around with the paddle sticking out having presumably not reloaded.  Personally I've been using these guns pretty much since they launched and I've never had that so.. yeah, can't comment on that one I'm afraid.

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16 minutes ago, TheFull9 said:

I'm not sure how you seem to be routinely shooting-to-empty then walking around with the paddle sticking out having presumably not reloaded.  Personally I've been using these guns pretty much since they launched and I've never had that so.. yeah, can't comment on that one I'm afraid.

During the mag change I may briefly duck into cover or go to the knee. It’s during this process the mag catch sometimes gets brushed and depressed, on its own during motion. Not always but I have noticed it enough times to bother me. And even if it doesn’t, it just feels far too weak for my taste when I depress it, almost as if nothing there holding it.


My £200 CYMA M16 does this far better and even holds the mock bolt back when cocked. A £500 Marui couldn’t figure this out? 


This guy suggests (2:50 time stamp), to wrap some heat shrink tube inside the mags paddle system for the catch. Not sure how much that will help, but might give it a go. 

Edited by Armo1000
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I'm a bit confused - are you saying that before you've loaded the fresh magazine you're knocking the catch? Because with an empty magazine loaded the bolt release catch should just bounce back - it will only depress and stay in its flat position with either no magazine or a loaded magazine inserted in the weapon.

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2 hours ago, Jacob Wright said:

I'm a bit confused - are you saying that before you've loaded the fresh magazine you're knocking the catch? Because with an empty magazine loaded the bolt release catch should just bounce back - it will only depress and stay in its flat position with either no magazine or a loaded magazine inserted in the weapon.


Yes that's it. And its being knocked while I'm changing mags, so there is nothing in the gun to make it "bounce back".

Edited by Armo1000
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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