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Modern molle mag pouches for STG-44 mags?

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Having just picked up an STG-44, with a number of spare 190 rnd mid caps for it, I realise that I have a bit of a dilemma in the mag carriage department. Those mags are huge! Comparison photo below showing a Krytac M4 mag, AK74 mag, and then the ST-44 behemoth. A full 26cm long!


I know that reproductions of the original leather and canvas pouches are available, but frankly I intend to run the gun with modern gear rather than period dress, so would ideally be able to integrate suitable pouches into my existing Molle chest rigs etc.


As an aside, the gun is shooting 70FPS too hot even with a 0.20bb. In a dilemma now to either work out how to semi lock it (given that it has no way of mounting an optic) or give it an urgent spring change.... I'll probably go for the latter.


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Oh, good option - I'd forgotten about RPK mags - albeit from a fairly perfunctory search not too many dedicated pouches for them around either. It occurs that P90 pouches may be an option, and if I get one of those 90 degree molle adaptors, several could be run side on upon the chest rig which might make things a bit more ergonomic.

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Which Stg actually has midcaps?  I'd always thought the AEG out there only had hi-caps available (that's all I'd seen stocked anyway).


P90 was my only thought, probably long enough but gonna be a close call width wise.  Any shingle type pouch or placard that's 5 PALS rows high/deep would work of course since they're open topped but will have enough depth to actually secure the mags and sink the centre of gravity deep enough.  Common flapped double mag pouches with the elastic in the middle often work for this type of thing if you tuck the flaps in.  Potentially might have to look at the likes of radio pouches or tall GP pouches if you want a closed top.

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4 minutes ago, TheFull9 said:

Which Stg actually has midcaps?  I'd always thought the AEG out there only had hi-caps available (that's all I'd seen stocked anyway).


P90 was my only thought, probably long enough but gonna be a close call width wise.  Any shingle type pouch or placard that's 5 PALS rows high/deep would work of course since they're open topped but will have enough depth to actually secure the mags and sink the centre of gravity deep enough.  Common flapped double mag pouches with the elastic in the middle often work for this type of thing if you tuck the flaps in.  Potentially might have to look at the likes of radio pouches or tall GP pouches if you want a closed top.


You can modify the high caps with mp7 mid caps, which is quite common!

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14 hours ago, TheFull9 said:

Which Stg actually has midcaps?  I'd always thought the AEG out there only had hi-caps available (that's all I'd seen stocked anyway).


AGM - it seems that you can buy midcaps now - 190 rounds. They feed absolutely fine. Interestingly, the outer shell still has the hole in it for the hi-cap winder, so they obviously haven't bothered making a new part or are using up old stock. That's a midcap in my photo above - with the winding hole! e.g. https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/agm-mp44-magazine-190rd-mid-cap-63791-p.asp


Thanks for your advice on mag pouches, I've been giving that more consideration - and plausibly the double P90 pouches would fit a single mag (I dug out some old p90 single mag pouches and you are right, they are a fraction too narrow. I've always preferred closed top pouches - a bit irrational I know. I'll investigate the radio pouch idea - good suggestion.


I'm also coming around to the idea of just buying the reproductions of the canvas and leather original STG mag pouches. On reflection the dichotomy of modern MC Tropic or tiger stripe Crye style combats with an old canvas and leather pouch on the waist could be quite amusing. A bit like, say, wearing that garb and running an STG44!


I've now had a chance to give the STG a bit of a run in the garden - really rather impressed. It's an absolute beast, weighs a ton, solid, and I'm loving its weird retro looks. Also loving that you can very clearly see that its the grandfather of the G3 (and CETME before it), and of course the AK. It shoots fabulously - I haven't even cleaned the barrel out yet, and on 0.25s it was reliable hitting a torso sized target at 50m and probably further if i had the range to test it  (albeit out of the box it is shooting at DMR power levels) - I might just epoxy a fake rivet to prevent the fire selector moving to auto and call it a day.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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