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Umarex Beretta MOD. 92 A1 problem


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Today when I was target shooting my pistol would fire one round and then the trigger would stop functioning. Removing the magazine and then re-inserting it allowed me to fire another shot; then the problem repeated itself. I haven't dropped the pistol so am puzzled as to what could be causing it to malfunction. The only anomaly I have noticed is the spindle highlighted in the accompanying photo projecting slightly further outwards than usual. It was easily pushed back in. I'd be very grateful for any suggestions for solving the  issue.


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that's just the slide release, to remove the slide press in the round tab below it the turn the slide release 90deg on the other side. with the mag out you should be able to remove the slide. my best gues is the slide release isn't in the correct possition, it should look like pic 1


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4 minutes ago, Montefalconese said:

Many thanks for your replies Edcase and Gavin. However, when I returned home this afternoon and tried the gun again it was functioning normally! 

That'll be the pistol poltergeists. They are mostly active around Umarex guns.

Get your local vicar to sprinkle holy oil on it and leave it in a drawer for a year or so 👍😉

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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