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Bit of hi capa advice please.


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I have gone for the likes of Gunsmith Bros/Airsoft Masterpiece metal slides for hi capas in the past.


There are so many warnings against buying Guarder ones because of the fitting issues that I have never considered them. And then there is the business of using the same manufacturer for both the outer barrel and the slide, and Guarder tends to use tilting steel outer barrels. But maybe a non tilting barrel from another maker would actually work with their slides.


The problem is that, apart from the ones with race gun cut outs, there are very few 4.3 metal slides on the market.

The one I like the look of most is actually a Guarder one, and there is rarely a shortage of Guarder stuff. Some retailers ask as much or more for them as they would for a premium cnc slide, but in the Far East they are cheap.


The one I like is this:



Of course with postage and tax it will work out a good deal more expensive. 


Has anyone ever had a good experience with a Guarder hi capa slide.

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TM standard, but I may have used something else (tilting) metal later. But would not remember what. Always ran well though. Was a good 10ish years ago though so may have changed in that period.

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Currently have a Guarder Night Hawk on my 4.3 build, zero issues with it. Does have all Guarder internals on the slide, but a Gunsmith Bros frame with AM steel bits. 

Never had an issue with any other Guarder stuff either, also have a Guarder slide/frame on my M&P9L build.


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Just lots of negative views on other forums and some on youtube, because they are cast and not cnc. The Knuckles hi capa bloke for example advises people not to buy them. 


But then forums are often full of negative views on products.


Nice to hear some positive ones on here.


Thanks to you all. I'll probably give them a try.

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I was in the same spot as you, i recently wanted to make a hi capa build which wasn't a speedsoft esque gun.  And the only options I really had were guarder. 


I had to do cut off a small bit of BBU (which guarder state you have to do) to get the stock blowback unit to fit and ever so slightly file the screw hole that secures the blowback unit to the slide.  But it wasn't anything strenuous.


I managed to fit it onto my stock frame no problem, paired with a 5KU outer barrel that doesn't tilt.  Works like a dream.


The criticism from knuckles is warranted.  However the current market trend for hi capa slides are more suited to speed soft builds.  


In short, you get what you pay for. 




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  • 2 months later...

Late I know but I was also warned about the Guarder kits but it was for me the best value option for a full metal TM MEU.

The fit in the end was quite smooth, I even went overboard and had it all cerakoted as well.


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