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Laser beam brightness

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Can anyone explain this mystery? A couple of weeks ago I bought a red mini laser, branded Iron Jia, from Amazon Italia to fit on the picatinny rail of my Airsoft pistol, together with a pack of Camelion LR44 batteries. Unfortunately it was impossible to screw down the laser’s cover once the batteries were inserted: the item was obviously defective. However, when I pressed the cover down with my thumb and switched it on the beam was very bright even in  glaring sunshine. Having returned the item I bought an identical item, this time branded Swiss Arms, from Target Soft in San Marino. It came with LR44 batteries already inserted. The laser’s cover presented no problems, but its beam was very feeble. Feeling very frustrated,  as a last effort I replaced the supplied batteries with the Camelion ones. To my delight the laser then emitted the same bright beam as the defective laser I’d previously purchased. However, according to my researches on the internet, all LR44 batteries have the same voltage and emit the same power. So how come the Camelion batteries produce a beam that’s much brighter?

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Probably because the second laser you purchased with the batteries included were dying if they were already fitted it could have been drawing power from them for however long they have been in there for, hence when you put in new fresh batteries it was brighter 🤷🏻‍♂️

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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