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Jefftron Leviathan V3 Sticker Pickle


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Me and a mate recently picked up a Jefftron equipped AEG off a gent on here, and after fucking around with it for a while (seriously, why do you need a password for your gun lmfao) we managed to get it working apart from a few niggles with the selector - with it not being able to pick up the stickers on the plate to indicate what firing mode it's in (it thinks all three positions are safe)


So, we go and look on Jefftron's website and fresh new stickers are available for a few quid - perfect, we think; only to realise that due to our fellow countrymen a few years back they no longer do UK shipping and instead require a £50 worldwide option for a set of 3 quid stickers.


So, any ideas or pointers? Willing to buy any leftover sets if anybody has them spare from their unit...

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I was able to recreate an optical sticker by simply using scotch tape and a permanent marker. Just marker the correct area and you're off and running. Scotch tape is also much more resistant to being pried up or ruined by the edge of the gearbox.


Also, as a tip, you can file down the edge of the gearbox that rubs on the sticker itself to solve the issue.

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8 minutes ago, pyromancer6 said:

that due to our fellow countrymen a few years back they no longer do UK shipping


Yeah - who'd have thunk it a good idea to leave an area of free trade.  What could possibly go wrong?




Is it not possible to print these off at the correct size and stick them inside the pew?






Or how about cropping the above image and uploading it to a sticker company and make some out of a suitable finish?






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Speaking of Perun, I had a strange issue with the sticker with the Specna Edge selector plate, I've ruined all the three stickers and eventually on my last ICS sticker trying to troubleshoot and it turns out the blue selector plate itself is reflecting too much IR (?) light for the safe mode to be properly selected (in test mode) so I actually had to paint the side edges of the plate around the whole area near the sensors to fix it, which once I did that it works.


Emailed Perun, they say sometimes it does that, but usually once the whole receiver is assembled it should just work and select safe mode no problem. The thing is if it didn't work properly in test mode I wouldn't want to assemble the whole thing. But it's fixed anyway with some paint.



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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