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WE 18C internal upgrades for Co2


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I am wondering if someone would be able to list parts that I would require to upgrade my WE G18C to run Co2 mags. I am having a problem with consistency with gas and don't want to have to replace parts constantly.


Many thanks in advance.

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Co2 will brake your WE G18C sooner than later no matter what upgrades you make, starting with the noozle.

It will also most likely make it useless for cqb.

Also Co2 is pretty inconsistent by itself.


But if you really want to do it just get Co2 mags like Sewdhull said.


Or get a pistol with a plastic slide (TM) if your problem is gasinconistency in coolder weather.

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Most current WE's models are already setup to take co2. And will run at a reasonable FPS with the WE co2 mags. If the nozzle is green you are good to go. 

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What are the inconsistencies you speak of? FPS? You'll see similar with CO2 and the mags will cause you issues sooner rather than later.

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1 hour ago, Frank123 said:

Thanks for all the advise guys. I might just stick with gas then and try run another side arm in the winter. 

Try different gasses, cool down of the mag affects everything except hpa, because of the evaporation of the gas cooling the mag and then reducing mag pressure. Not enough pressure ends up venting the mag, embarrassingly in my experience.


Co2 mags have additional pressure reduction in the mag but still have more pressure than the other gasses. Still gets cool down tho because of physics.


Using less gas per shot is really the only way to improve things, like Swede says, a plastic slide will do this.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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