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Valken ASL misfire/misfeed after perun upgrade


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Hope this is the right place to post. I'm at my wits end with this.


So just to be clear, I've installed perun v2's in three of my rifs, with gears, pistons upgrades etc. All have shot fine, they are all metal.


I've just upgraded a gearbox of a valken asl with a polymor body, put it all back together and its not firing properly. Now here's the weird thing, if I pull the mag towards me when holding the gun, essentially bending it slightly, it fires. If I take the small spring off the hop and let it sit in against the upper barrel, and not pushed back snug against the nozzle, it fires.


But with everything where it should be, I get a sound like it's muffled. Could this be an issue with the nozzle? It's the first time I've left a nozzle stock and not replaced it. I've tried 4 different hop rubbers, 3 different barrels. I've tried ZCI hop up Chambers, I've tried the stock chamber and nothing seems to work apart from when I bend the rif.


It's not an alignment issue as I've tried aligning it up and down. Please help!

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When you run the gun without the hop spring is there a reduction in power?

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I figured it out. For anyone whom stumbles across this thread in the future this was my issue and what solved it:


I had put a perun v2 mosfet and 13:1 gears in the gearbox. Compression was good, as was everything else. After trying loads of hop rubbers and other things, I found only pulling on the mag towards me would fire the rif. 


Turns out, the 13:1 gears were too fast to pull the nozzle far enough back in order for the mag to correctly feed bbs. I swapped the gears back to the stock 18:1 and put it back together. Works perfect. 


Sometimes too fast gears are the problem. There might be other ways to solve this, but I can't be bothered. I'm happy with the perun upgrade.

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1 hour ago, Vendivorex said:

I figured it out. For anyone whom stumbles across this thread in the future this was my issue and what solved it:


I had put a perun v2 mosfet and 13:1 gears in the gearbox. Compression was good, as was everything else. After trying loads of hop rubbers and other things, I found only pulling on the mag towards me would fire the rif. 


Turns out, the 13:1 gears were too fast to pull the nozzle far enough back in order for the mag to correctly feed bbs. I swapped the gears back to the stock 18:1 and put it back together. Works perfect. 


Sometimes too fast gears are the problem. There might be other ways to solve this, but I can't be bothered. I'm happy with the perun upgrade.

Dumb question, have you tried this with a delayer chip on the 13:1 gears? I had one put on my MP5 as it wouldn't feed properly without it. I've seen people say they've still had feeding issues with one and all they did is put it in backwards so it pulls the tappet plate sooner and pulls it ever so slightly further back and this fixes their feeding issues. For the sake of £2, it's worth a try.

Edited by MrTea
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A delayer chip might help, but look for these ones from FPS, they keep the "opening" point in roughly the same spot, while delaying the "closing" point.


Depending on the motor, you may want to nick a few millimetres off the end of the tappet plate fin to make the nozzle seal in time too :)

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1 hour ago, Skara said:

A delayer chip might help, but look for these ones from FPS, they keep the "opening" point in roughly the same spot, while delaying the "closing" point.


Depending on the motor, you may want to nick a few millimetres off the end of the tappet plate fin to make the nozzle seal in time too :)

I have not seen those before; thanks. :) 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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