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Osprey body armour brassards

Dan Robinson

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Decided to get all the accessories for the osprey MK 4 body armour. 


The half collar, shoulder pads and brassards arrived and are fine, except the brassards I ordered were the large ones (because I'm a chunky boi). 


They do look a bit daft though, so I'm wondering if the small or medium sizes would fit the big boy vest?  I can't work out if the large brassard designation is for the piece itself or the platform it's going to be attached to. 


As always, thanks in advance. 

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Found the answer - in case anyone is interested - they Brassards fit any size vest.


Have ordered some small ones to see if they look a bit less Garry Glitter.

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14 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:

The half collar, shoulder pads and brassards arrived and are fine, except the brassards I ordered were the large ones (because I'm a chunky boi). 



For some reason I now have this in my head as your loadout



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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