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Guarder slides


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I have noticed that those for Glocks come at different price/quality points.  There are different grades of aluminium, and whereas most are cast, some are CNC milled. The latter are considerably more expensive, getting up to and beyond the cost of slides made by premium manufacturers.


Are they really an improvement? Do they fit better or do they still require the removal of material for the fitting of TM bbu units etc?


And why are all the Guarder outer barrels made of steel? Surely a steel outer barrel rubbing against the underside of an aluminium slide is not a good idea. Why don't they just make aluminium outer barrels?

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Yeah, I agree that the steel barrel matched with an aluminium slide is not a good idea.

I looked at slide kits for glock 17, and glock26.

I went with the G17 PGC slide for £130, I think it was at the time, and it is a perfect fit and lasted years.

For glock 26 I am building, I went with the Nova slide kit, I was told nova and prime are under the same manufacturer, and I bought an extra prime barrel, and it fits perfectly.

That was £165 with the nova slide kit and extra prime barrel.

I think the guarder can be cheaper, but I do not think it is worth the hassle.

If it was me I would pay the extra to get a better brand if you can.






Edited by GothicGhost
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I’ve built a few, and by far the CNC slides win out, well worth the money.

They fit, are hard AND light, cycle flawlessly etc etc.


The rest may be metallic, but they are cast pot metal, essentially the same as any of the slides that WE or their ilk produce, but with trademarks

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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