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WE M4 GBBR Supressors.


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Hiya everyone!


I've been trying to do some research into the WE AR GBB platform, more specifically; 




on how to attach a suppressor of any kind to it. Preferably a QD styled suppressor.


How exactly does it work? - Can it attach to the flash hider or do I have to remove it?


Can anyone recommend any good, QD suppressors that have a nice build quality for this rifle?

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You replace the stock flash hider with the one that comes with the QD suppressor, then the QD suppressor slips over it when you push the base of the suppressor upwards. It's weird to explain, but really simple and obvious when you get it.


In terms of good ones, I'd recommend AGAINST the 5KU ones. I bought one of their KAC style QD suppressors and while they come foam-filled and will probably be great on an AEG, they wobble too much on a GBBR and you end up clipping the end of the suppressor on some of your shots. I had one on my TM MWS and it was really disappointing as I loved how it looked.

Edited by Impulse
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On 08/07/2022 at 21:09, SBoardley said:

Angry gun surefire. Good quality flash hiders with decent enough can. 

The A/G Surefires have a habbit of the locking system failing after a while. The number of folk on the Facebook L119 owners club page that have had issues is huge , including me. 


Got one of these now and it's rock solid.

Dytac SureLiar SOCOM RC1 Supressor 1574mm - Acetech Tracer compatible - Airsoft World

also got one of these which is awesome. Doesn't use a flash hider just screws straight on to the barrel . Ive used both on my L119 GBBR with no issues. If you want it removable with an integral flash hider get the Airsoft artisan one, if you are happy to just leave it fitted I'd get the Sureliar

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13 minutes ago, Nick G said:

The A/G Surefires have a habbit of the locking system failing after a while. The number of folk on the Facebook L119 owners club page that have had issues is huge , including me. 


Got one of these now and it's rock solid.

Dytac SureLiar SOCOM RC1 Supressor 1574mm - Acetech Tracer compatible - Airsoft World

also got one of these which is awesome. Doesn't use a flash hider just screws straight on to the barrel . Ive used both on my L119 GBBR with no issues. If you want it removable with an integral flash hider get the Airsoft artisan one, if you are happy to just leave it fitted I'd get the Sureliar

We have 4 ag cans between us with zero issues. How do they fail? They are either on or off… not sword fighting with them lol!

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2 hours ago, SBoardley said:

We have 4 ag cans between us with zero issues. How do they fail? They are either on or off… not sword fighting with them lol!

Maybe the issue is specific to the 119 A2 type ones , they just stop locking basically . Fit can on flash hider rotate locking collar and can still loose or even just falls off. Seems to be a common issue with that particular model.

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I have this type. You do need to put them on a specific way, but I’ve never had one fall off yet. Like I said have three that came with 216 fh and a mp7 specific one. No problems. 

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Then I suspect you have been lucky, or A/G have paid attention and improved the locking mech. Mine (and I've had 2) were both fine to start with but over time the locking system has failed. 

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I use a Quick Detach PTS Griffin M4SD II Mock Suppressor, coupled with an aggressive looking PTS flash hider. Looks great, feels great.




As for how they work, I'll refer to our good friend Jonathan from Airsoftology



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On 12/07/2022 at 17:26, Nick G said:

Then I suspect you have been lucky, or A/G have paid attention and improved the locking mech. Mine (and I've had 2) were both fine to start with but over time the locking system has failed. 

After some soul searching, I pulled the trigger again to replace my fire eaten one. Just got to do the mods again ( weld filing and location dot) will post a comparison shot with a real one my mate has later today. 
you are right @Nick Gthey are just nicer; the lock mech is pretty identical to the legacy, AND they fit the Angry Gun 216a flash hider which is a bonus cus the AG one is nicer….


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22 hours ago, SBoardley said:

@Nick Gsome pics for comparison. While very similar, the shape of the lock ring is different. 





Great pictures, thank you. As you say slightly different, but pretty close. Think I might need to paint mine to look more authentic

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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