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South Devon Rookie


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Hello one and all, greetings from South Devon.  i've been shooting airsoft weapons in my garden at targets for a few years now but i have really been wanting to get into a site near me for some time.  Exeter Skirmish seems to be my closest. hoping to find someone near me who would be willing to help me get out there so i can get started and meet some like minded people.  if anyone might be interested in helping me out please get in touch. i've been watching tons of videos on youtube on airsoft, it looks so much fun, really want to experiance it for myself.


thanks for reading.

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Hiya Rat (first names not Doidee by any chance?)πŸ˜‰


Welcome to the pew party.πŸ‘


Garden shooting is great but bushes and plants don't shoot back and shooting holes in memsahibs tetrapanax papyrifera is not a good ideaπŸ€• lol.


It's also a lot different from utube clips in so much as you can't feel the vibe and experience the banter and anticipation that you get in the safe zone while bombing up.


Seems like you have learnt how to handle Airsoft gear and are aufait with the workings so next step is to get out there and have a go.πŸ™‚


Some guys on here do use public transport to get to games(trains buses)which is great but remember to transport your gear in a proper gun bag(not bin liners lol)and that you have pre booked a game at a registered and insured site. Keep the booking confirmation on your phone.


I hope someone will be kind enough to help you with transport though but if not,bite the bullet and go solo. I'm sure you will be welcomed and will soon be chatting to other players.


Have fun, enjoy and call your hits.😊







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yep, its no fun when things dont shoot back lol.  going solo is not an issue for me, its just the getting there pasrt thats tripping me up at the moment.


besides headgear which is a must for me, never understood why some dont bother, i have everything else and a good bag to hold it all in transport.


My location is not the best situated for public transport, cursing the lack of personal transport at the moment, but like you said, i am just hoping to find someone who might help me get there and back.

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Well 🀞 some kind soul will be able to help.


Do you mean headgear as in warq type full head cover? Expensive but I've heard they are fog free.


Why a must though( have you got a glass head?) Lol.


In woodland games I just wear a viper cap and in cqb I wear a fast type helmet. 







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i'll be opting for full head but thats a personal choice mostly because i wear glasses and want something to keep them safe. i wonder mostly about those who dont bother with eye protection and then get bent out of shape when hit in the face.

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Fair enought reason although you can get goggles that will protect your glasses.


Nobody can not bother with eye pro.Its a requirement to play and most sites wil insist on full face for under 16s.


I can't run with lower face cover  because I find it hampers me with sighting but I will use a shemaugh? sometimes in cqb.


I always have a moan when smacked in the boat though lol.






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Hi @Rat πŸ‘‹

Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! πŸ”«πŸ€ͺπŸ‘

Good luck getting started, don’t take it to seriously, call your hits and have fun!

Also have a channel if interested? πŸ€”


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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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