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Motor Orientation?


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Hey, I'm still pretty earlier in my AEG learning process and had a simple question.

Does motor orientation matter? 

What I mean by this is, does it matter if the positive or negative side of the motor faces towards the barrel or away from the barrel?

Also, does this change per gearbox/motor/mosfet? And if so, if a AEG comes with (for example) positive facing towards the barrel, is that the correct orientation for the motor?

I've seen multiple gearbox teardown videos where sometimes the positive is facing towards the barrel and sometimes it's facing away, so was just wondering if anybody had any definite information.



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As concretesnail said, it doesn't matter which way around it sits.  (It still spins in the same direction)

Its all about the connector wires reaching the correct pin and there usually isn't much room to move them around.



Edited by EDcase
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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