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East of England UKAPU Player Representative

Jacob Wright

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Mine took about a month to be delivered.

Chill out,have a fag and a drink and be patient.

Good things come to those who wait. 👍 

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Just an update, I’ll be at Reforger Airsoft nr. Watford on the 27th of the month if anyone has any questions or opinions in person! Would be great to meet some local players!

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  • 1 month later...

I’m hoping to run a members-only event later on in the year, what would people like to see?

I’ve secured an attack sense range so should be able to run some sort of side-competition with that but just after members/players ideas!

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18 minutes ago, Jacob Wright said:

I’m hoping to run a members-only event later on in the year, what would people like to see?

I’ve secured an attack sense range so should be able to run some sort of side-competition with that but just after members/players ideas!

Attack sense. 

Is that the thing that was at the nae last year?



1 minute ago, Shamal said:

Attack sense. 

Is that the thing that was at the nae last year?



Are you looking for  a venue for the AGM as the basis for the members only event?  

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Possibly, I wasn’t at the NAE but it’s a programmable interactive target range basically. 

No the AGM is generally held online, this venue will be for an actual game-day. 

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27 minutes ago, Jacob Wright said:

Possibly, I wasn’t at the NAE but it’s a programmable interactive target range basically. 

No the AGM is generally held online, this venue will be for an actual game-day. 

We did have two agms at the Grange in Birmingham which incorporated a game day.


Any idea of a potential location? I would be interested 👍

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@Shamal I see what you mean, I’ll ask the question!


As for location most likely somewhere within the East of England as that’s my area, but I won’t be dead set against hopping borders if I can’t find somewhere!


Possibly a boot sale yes, not 100% I can commit to more than a day at the moment though so would have to be concurrent. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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