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SCAR mosfet help


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Need some help have got my self a scar H and looking to do some more upgrades too it, I have swapped out barrel only internal upgrade so far. I am looking some help on getting a mosfet an to what one to get also wat other upgrade parts would I need? 


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On 16/10/2021 at 13:19, DannyB101 said:

Its a FN Herstal. Believe its the G&G one.  Dont really have a budget set. Just looking faster rate of fire an shorten the trigger travel. 



FN Herstal make the real ones.


If it is the G&G model then it's basically a standard V2 gearbox. I have a BTC Spectre mosfet in mine but you could go for Gate Aster or Titan or a Perun V2 hybrid. Definitely look at getting a better motor though, my original one was pretty crap.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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