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AAP 01 Minimal Upgrades


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I bought at AAP 01. I also bought an action army aap01 magazine to go with it.


I test fired it and so far the hop up has a hard time lifting .25g bbs at extended distances. In addition to that, the spare magazine runs out of gas after 1 magazine.


Anyway, I was on reddit and was told that the hammer will fail. I was also told the barrel droops.


Anyway. I just want to build it to a degree that it wont fail on me for many thousands of rounds. I'd like to have both magazines work. I at the advice of a reddit patron acquired a WE hammer group for the 18c. And got a silicon maple leaf 70 degree autobot and I key.


What would you pick as a minimum upgrade for maximum reliability.


And is there a fix for the magazine. It doesn't appear to leak, just has horrible efficiency.

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My son and I have an AAP-01 each, his is newer so has the gen 2 hammer.


The hop unit in it is bloody good for the money, there's no need to replace it itself, however swapping over to a Maple Leaf Autobot Silicon 60 Degree made a huge difference to accuracy, consistency and slightly better hop of 0.25's at distance (which you've done).


My gen 1 hammer did fail after around four thousand or so BB's, I was using it as a primary with a drum mag, all on semi though (no auto). It's go the Action Army CNC hammer in it now, I had no interest in fitting other hammer parts that were not OEM and required modification.


Regarding "barrel droop" though I've seen none of this, even though at face value it looks like the inner barrel is held quite lightly it's rock solid. Everyone I'd seen complaining about barrels though online have put in ones that are way longer than stock, 200mm and above, and then put all sorts of grips on the outer barrel so no wonder it's having problems with all that weight (which is why AA made their CNC's MLOK outer barrel).


For the mag that should be efficient enough to provide at least 2 full mags if not a little more. Maybe your output valve is a bit "sticky" and releasing too much gas, so I'd take it out a drop on a little silicon oil to see if this improves its action.

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I've said it before and will say it again, if it was literally only one upgrade I would get the wheel hop chamber. You don't need to faff around with I keys or sticking something through the top to try and guess how much hop. I wouldn't worry about the hammer until it breaks. Mine is holding up well so far.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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