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Hi guys am looking to turn my recently purchased Specna Arms DD MK18 into a DMR platform.  Any help and tips greatly received please


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If you search the forum, as there are a few posts of members recently asking to make a DMR platform.

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Specna Arms aren't the ideal choice for this, as the Orion gearboxes have quite the reputation for cracking, even though they're well radiused.


That said, I've just done exactly that to a short barrelled Edge SA-02, and my parts list from ak2m4.co.uk was:


Product Name Model Quantity Price Total  
      Sub-Total: £51.00  
      Royal Mail 1st Class: £1.50  
      Total: £52.50
Omega Nub Hard 85 (Gear Parts) GPOMEGABLACK 1 £2.00 £2.00 Return
ZCI Cylinder Stainless Steel (Closed) M60 1 £8.00 £8.00 Return
ZCI Hop-Up Bucking 70° Black M104A 1 £2.00 £2.00 Return
Rocket Selector Plate (V2) SECP02 1 £3.50 £3.50 Return
XT Outer Barrel Extension (7 Inches) XTOB7 1 £8.00 £8.00 Return
AOLS AEG Inner Barrel (455mm) AOLS455MM 1 £20.50 £20.50 Return
Gearparts AEG Spring M130 GPM130 1 £7.00 £7.00 Return



The bucking was to flat-hop, and I then s-hopped it, but ended up binning all that off and going with a Maple Leaf macaron 60 and the stock Specna Arms nub which is a decent shape. The selector plate was so that I could keep the stock one untouched. To lock to semi, you just file out this area.




I've stuck with the stock hop unit, piston, head and nozzle as they're decent enough, and I also bought an M140 spring elsewhere, I can't recall which one I ended up going with to get to 1.8J, you'll just have to suck-it-and-see (then cut-it-and-see) to get it dialled in for your site limits.


Gears are standard, and I'm running a Big Dragon M160 motor from Ali Express. SHS High Torques are quite popular.


I'm happy keeping it on 7.4V, it's not like milliseconds of response is vital at DMR ranges.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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