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Suggestions for Krylon paint drips


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I've recently spray painted my Cybergun P90 and the end result is almost perfect ive just got a few paint drips to deal with. Does anyone have any suggestions for removing them or reducing them? Sandpaper seems to just scratch the s&*t out of my gun 


Thanks again boys 

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You need to use wet sandpaper around 1200grit with a block.

(I find small figure 8s better than circles when sanding)


Edited by EDcase
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6 hours ago, ashburns54 said:

Does anyone have any suggestions for removing them or reducing them?


Rub it down and do it again.


I echo what @EDcase said though, use wet & dry paper preferably 1200 or more but be aware that you'll have to touch it up if you want it to look good. That will probably need another coat over the whole thing or you'll just get a patch of dry spray around where you try to cover.

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23 minutes ago, EDcase said:

Yep, you'll need to put another THIN coat over it


They should ALL be thin coats but by the fact he's got drips imma go ahead say they weren't.

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Stickiness? Weird. Is it actually tacky? Maybe pop it in your airing cupboard to cure properly. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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