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newbie from poole

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HI, my name is paul from poole in dorset, im pretty new too airsoft, i had a few BB's back in the 80's i remember i had a thompson sub machine gun, a m16 with a m203 on it and a m177, they was ABS kits i had to build, i had a lot of replica handguns as well,Im lookking forward to chatting and getting some info to get me started, i ordered a 2 tone HCF G17 just to play with, its a single shot spring action gun, but i look forward to trying others out in time,



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Thanks guys, ive just been checking out marksmans guid for beginers, its big help, i would love to join a skirmishers club but i dont thing i have one near enough to me,



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  marksman556 said:



wow cheers mate there is lots to choose from and one pretty close to me, ill need to get seriusly kitted out first,


well i gotthe g17 today, im pretty happy with it, i fired it in the back garden and i hit the bottle first shot ,. i dont like the green but laws are laws i guess, :huh: its a pretty solid feeling gun, i like the glock style,





i added some black around the sights as the green is distracting lol


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Welcome to the forums... and i gotta admit... that gun looks nice despite it being cheap... as marksman says, get invlolved in a site, in no time you will be able to own realistic guns and you can then get a nice skirmishable gun

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  BatHat said:
Welcome to the forums... and i gotta admit... that gun looks nice despite it being cheap... as marksman says, get invlolved in a site, in no time you will be able to own realistic guns and you can then get a nice skirmishable gun



cheers mate, i do like tis gun , fun for in the back garden , still hate the green <_< but i guess ill get used to it, its a very solid gun for the money,



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