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Vietnam Gear

This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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I have a full set of tiger stripe gear including a boonie ,a set of webbing ,3 ammo pouches ,a fighting knife,large pack,1911 mag pouch,shoulder holster,how much do u think its worth 

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3 hours ago, Shane0040 said:

I have a full set of tiger stripe gear including a boonie ,a set of webbing ,3 ammo pouches ,a fighting knife,large pack,1911 mag pouch,shoulder holster,how much do u think its worth 

Hi @Shane0040you should probably move this to the appraisal section. 👍

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6 hours ago, Shane0040 said:

I have a full set of tiger stripe gear including a boonie ,a set of webbing ,3 ammo pouches ,a fighting knife,large pack,1911 mag pouch,shoulder holster,how much do u think its worth 

As has been said you need to stick it in appraisals , PLUS you need photos and proper descriptions of the kit , to be honest what you’ve posted is absolutely useless in any way shape or form . No one could give you an appraisal off this , you’ve got no details for anything just a list of what it is .
the uniform is it real vintage ? is it from a quality brand like Tru-spec ? is it cheapo Chinese knock off crap ? the webbing is it correct for Vietnam ? how many pouches are there ? the knife is it period correct or is it just a plastic training knife ? What large pack is it ? You’ve got to list all these kind of details other wise you’ve more chance of staying dry pissing in the wind than you are of getting a fair appraisal as it stands .

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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