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How to Tell What Make a Scar L Is?

Ebr sniper
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So I’m looking at a scar l as a fixer upper and the owner has no idea what make it is and reading on forums seems quite mixed on how to identify each brand. Can anyone for definite outline differences between the vfc, g&g and the cyma so people can identify a make easily on an inspection.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give. 

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Image result for this thread is worthless without pics



Seriously though, there's a few things to look for:

Depending on when the gun was made if it's a G&G it may or may not have trademarks but it should at least say G&G Armament on the left side of the upper receiver just below the top rail at the rear.


If it's the CYMA/Cybergun one then it'll have a full set of licenced FN trademarks on it


If it's the VFC then it'll look lovely, the hop unit is somewhat different in these but you'll only know that if you can actually see it!

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Don't forget Ares, JLS and Classic Army also made SCARs over the years. Obviously TM have too with their NGRS but that's one of the easiest to identify.


Best bet is to look at the gearbox. The choice of components used (assuming it's relatively stock) could provide useful clues to it's origin.

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4 minutes ago, Tommikka said:

If of interest I’ve a DBoys Scar (Scar L I think)

It’s sat in my store and can come out for photos




Good point. I have a G&G SCAR L CQC in easy reach.

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These are the pics I got off the seller. It’s a boneyard and I have a vfc shell that I was going to use to make one good scar out of but wasn’t sure of compatibility between the makes





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