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Replacement Upper Receiver

Predator EAT-14
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Does anyone know if it's possible to buy a complete upper receiver for an Aug from anywhere?

I have a phantom/sniper variant which I got second hand, but it's a properly heavy beast (also a bit weird looking with such a long barrel) and just a bit cumbersome to be running around with so hoping I could have the option of swapping the upper to a short barrel version for cqb etc as I like having something a bit different.

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Yes uppers can be bought, getting the one you want at the right price however will be very difficult, and potentially quite expensive.

An A1/A2 Upper is normally £30-50, Add in a hop, bucking and barrel, outer barrel £30-50, Fore grip £8. (£68-108)

A complete A1/A2 upper can be almost the cost of a new gun if you can find one.

It means that the best action is probably to get a cheap AUG and just own 2 of them. You can get the snow wolf commando (JG) variant for £125 from bespoke airsoft. Meaning the rest of the gun is only £17-37, That ends up a pretty good deal when you factor it against the parts.




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Yeh that was going to be my next course of action as, like you say, you can get a whole gun for a little over £100. It's like cheap printers, normally cheaper to replace the whole thing than buying the ink on its own.

Guess it gives me more toys to play with at least 🤷

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