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Cheap Sim Only Deal Maybe ?

Sitting Duck
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Well I thought it was a cheap light user deal

Virtual network - uses Vodafone, actually now owned by them

(was Carphone Warehouse's own network on Vodafone I think)


£6:50 5gb data unlimited calls & texts


doubt if you can get much cheaper without cashback redemption

or half price 3 months crap....


Not mega fast data speeds 20mbps but not ultra slow & 5gb should be ample for light users like moi




seems to be a U-Switch deal, not listed elsewhere

I've been with them for about 4 years paying originally £10, then £8, then £7:50 for 4gb/3,000 mins/texts

now shaved a quid off with more data & now unlimited calls/texts


anyway - I need Vodfone where I live, all others get no signal

(must live in a faraday cage - tried them all)

So be aware this is Vodafone network

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I can't help with Vodaphone, but what I will say is don't rule out smaller companies, rather than just looking at the common options.

I moved from Vodaphone to 1p mobile a few years ago. It uses the EE network so no good for you, but with that sim I get 1p calls and 1p texts all the time, I am what you would call a phone dinosaur and don't use data at all. I have to topup £10 every 4 months, as a min. So it works out at £2.50 a month. And even that low an amount I think I'm over £100 in credit... lol.

Just make sure you check the Truspilot reviews, but from my own perspective I can't tell the difference in coverage between 1p mobile and EE (the missuses phone). So it's been a good overall move for me.

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Oh yeah - before Talkmobile I had a PAYG sim with nowt on it

but missus had Friends n family so calls between me, her, the kids were free etc...


Didn't need any data at all, 6 or 7 years ago there wasn't much mobile surfing the net so much


These days, bit bored on lunchbreak - check in here & what shit in the news/footy

most people using Whats App or what other bollox there is

(wtf happened to just ringing people, must be getting old I guess)


now n then the google maps n stuff has been handy, quick browse when I'm about

check store times or stock - still hate mobile internet surfing on the whole

but data - even for an old dino like me I have gotten used to in last few years

and not rely on wifi hotspots


my in-laws not so long ago were the mugs still paying £27+ a month EACH

ages after their old mobile contracts ended with their now dated Sony/Apple Iphone 5's


Still hate all this shopping around bollox though every year for gas n leccy though

but any dosh saved is more cash to splash on peew peew crap instead :D

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Idk if Iliad is a thing over there, but I recently switched to them, €10 a month gives me free calls, free sms and 100 GB of data :D

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