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Pistol Mag

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hi guys


so i run hpa and was looking at hpa tapping my pistol mags just wondering what sort of pressure you would need to run psi wise

i was thinking about running it on same bottle and reg as my primary gun which is around 50-65 psi

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I've just ventured into HPA and I'm sure I was running my AAP-01 and MK23 at 60 P.S.I which got an average of 300fps on 0.2's.


It's all trial and error I guess.

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A good reference is green gas is about 110 psi at room temp. Duster is about 80 psi.


I run my capa at 80 and get a really nice stable 0.99J with .25s


if it's for a sidearm, I wouldn't bother as the additional line would be more hindrance but high FPS isn't a must for closer work anyway so you would be fine running at 60.

You can always put a tighter barrel in the pistol and/or wider in the main to balance things out.

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