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Upgrade / Parts Advice

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Hi all,


I've got a KWA Ronin T6 which I have given a few runs out as stock minus a maple leaf bucking and omega nub. I tend to only run my guns on 7.4v lipo's (1450mah 30c) and with these I've noticed the T6 seems to me a little sluggish and I'd like to increase the trigger response. 


If I was to upgrade some parts internally I'm not sure on what would be the best match, I have some 13:1 SHS high speed gears knocking around so would like to utilise them if I was to go down this route, but not sure on the best motor to go with these or would the stock motor be fine? I'm looking for a nice snappy and fast cycle time / response but not crazy stupid ROF as I tend to shoot in semi mainly. 


I'm not a novice when it come to gearboxes and teched on quite a few on my own AEG's and would be comfortable undertaking the work myself, , just I have not gone down the route of changing gears/motors so I'm not sure of the best combination of parts for what I'm looking to achieve (if required at all).


Would it make more sense to just give the thing a damn good service/shim and run it on 11.1v lipo's? Is this gun okay to run on 11.1v lipo's? Ideally I would like fast cycle time / response while maintaining the use of 7.4v lipo's.



Thanks in advance.




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for semi the biggest boost would be looking at a mosfet with precocking, personally i'm kinda liking warfets these days.


it'll take up a lot of the response time in semi whilst leaving the auto rof as-is.


after that 13:1 with a slow-moderate motor would be the next go-to, although this would only really help if you're trigger spamming fast enough to trip up the system (ie faster than the system could sustain auto fire), of course this would come with a boost in auto rate of fire as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...



A update on this then. I ordered a few parts and have just finished putting it together....


SHS 13:1 Gears

ZCI 22tpa motor

AOE corrected


Clean and lube


The gun shoots lovely (really does feel and sound like a different gun) nice a snappy on 7.4v lipos without a crazy high ROF which is what I was aiming for. However, I have a problem (or maybe not) with overspin. 


I have attached some photo's showing how much the piston is being pulled back..


The pic showing 12mm on pull back is on a 7.4v 1450mah 30c Nuprol lipo

The second pic showing 17mm pull back is on a 7.4v 2200mah 25c lipo

The third pic is the resting position with the piston head  against the cylinder head


So the question is... Should I worry about this and attempt to fix it by SS the sector? I know a AB mosfet would sort it but I'm not looking for one of those at the moment and would be quite happy to rectify it from a "mechanical" point of view if required rather than a mosfet.


I would prefer to use the 2200mah battery as the gun it a little more snappy with it due to the higher discharge. Also to note, I am getting no signs of pre engagement, no double shot on semi, no nasty sounds on auto, no wild fps inconsistences ( has a 1-2 fps variation).


Let me know if you would SS or is it beneficial to SS, or is it just my OCD kicking in :)








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It’s really not a massive concern, just think if it as a mild mechanical pre-cock!


Parts wise/compatibility that’s a good setup you have there now.


Mild AB is nice, but you need a fancier FeT to do that.

100% AB is just to harsh on the motor and makes so much heat.

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Thanks for the reply. I really do think it's my OCD kicking in as I got curious and went to check my TM recoil running pretty much stock power (bearing spring guide) and gears, with the same 7.4v 1450mah battery it is overspinning about the same amount and I've never had a problem with that gun. Pics below.


Would their be any other benefit to SS the sector besides rectifying the overspin? Would I get slightly more trigger response and ROF or would those effects be negated due to then having to use a heavier spring to maintain fps?



Thanks again






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1 hour ago, Andy321 said:

Would their be any other benefit to SS the sector besides rectifying the overspin? Would I get slightly more trigger response and ROF or would those effects be negated due to then having to use a heavier spring to maintain fps?

Answered your own question!


Yes SS invariably means you’ll need a stronger spring.


If you want faster trigger response then you’re looking at a pre cocking mosfet really.


The resting/start up position your piston(s) are in is not a problem.

Over a few years yes the spring will take a set/weaken, so what.

If your that worried pull the spring or motor or ARL if you plan to store them for verrrrry long periods.

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Yeah your right mate.


It would be worth the effort to SS if I was getting serious overspin/double shots in semi or encountering PME, but at the moment the gun sounds really nice and happy so I'd rather leave it alone :) Plus I've ordered a few bits and pieces for my TM including a Gate Titan so I need to clear the work space ready for that lol.


By the way, these ZCI motors run so cool, was testing earlier and had no noticeable heat up in the grip at all!







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SS isn’t the best solution and is best worked around/avoided if possible.

Because to maintain FPS you need a stronger spring, so for a given equal FPS output - SS vs non SS - essentially you are increasing the resting spring rate (preload), there by increasing pressure, load and stress on the 1st pickup tooth and the cylinder head/gearbox.


The ZCI motors are definitely the best of the bunch when it comes to budget motors.


Enjoy 😁

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