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Assg Urban Sniper Upgrades

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Hey all.
So, I got this gun as part of a deal, second hand. After some google fu it seems to be an ASG Urban Sniper.
Cheap entry level bolt action rifle. 
I have NO IDEA how to go about making this thing better. I know the general idea, better spring, hop, tight bore inner, air seal etc.
What I don't know is what will fit in this gun.
Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi. It's the same like Well mb06, Nuprol tango t96.

To find parts for this platform is difficult and pricey. Best bet is:


Advice - change cylinder, upgrade spring and piston, change hop-up unit, install beter barel and you will get good FPS and about 70m. range.

Best luck with it.

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