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Gg L85 Etu Problems

Tactical Pith Helmet
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Anyone had any experience fitting a Perun mosfet to a G&G L85?  Is it as easy as it looks?  Does anyone know of anywhere which will have one in stock?


My stock rifle is currently only firing on every second trigger pull on semi, and sometimes single and sometimes burst on full.  

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Blimey, found a 'guide'' on Youtube.  Easy as falling off a log.  Ordered one from Taiwan Gun.

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FWIW I bought mine from Airsoftworld, they had the "new" ETU++'s in stock for a better price than the older ETU replacements so was well worth it. They literally are as easy as 2 spades and a data connector and you're done, a bit of tinkering around with settings. 

The pre-cocking is sweeeet and the binary function is a killer!

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Cheers mate!  I sometimes watch fitting guides for stuff only to encounter problems.  The Perun guide looked almost too easy to be true.  


Really hacked off with the G&G tbh.   A few months in and it needs a new 'fet and a strip down to remove a tooth from the piston by all accounts.  Compare that with the cheapo Combat Machine M4 which is unopened after four years.  

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