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Maxx Hop-up Chamber With New Airtech Tdc Trolley With Traditional Trolley and M-nub

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The TDC (Top Down Centre) Trolley is designed for the Maxx Hop-up chambers to incorporate the traditional usage of M-nubs which works perfectly with the R-Hop patches to achieve an improvement in accuracy and consistency from shot to shot.


The M-nub ensures an evenly distributed force applied onto the bucking down to the RHOP patch. This in turn ensure the patch can maximize its appliance on the BB for the most stable and uniform spin for the much desired R-hop performance.



maxx modified TDC 12.PNG

maxx modified TDC.PNG

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25 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

are you being employed by maxx/umbrella armouries?


because this reads like a sales pitch.

My Aunt Makes ¥5,000,000 per day using this one simple trick! Check it out .dodgylink.scam.china #ccpapproved

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1 minute ago, Solar said:

My Aunt Makes ¥5,000,000 per day using this one simple trick! Check it out .dodgylink.scam.china #ccpapproved


looking at his other threads (all 2 of them) i'm thinking maybe he's an airtech affiliate?


either that or he's a really big fan

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2 minutes ago, DerDer said:

There was talk of them releasing models for the G36 and AK.

M16 users having all the fun. 


eh, the combat union for the ak is pretty much just as good from a performance perspective.

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